Friday, August 20, 2010

God has a reason for everything.

Recently I've come across a singer/songwriter that i really like. Johnny Strat. His songs are really inspirational to me. One, Lose to Win, has really been on my mind lately, especially with the move. In the song, one line says, "This is not the end, cause now I know, Sometimes you have to lose.. to win." and I've been thinking about that a lot.. Ive been so angry about leaving Marshall, that I havn't been keeping myself open to new opportunities. Sometimes you DO have to lose to win, and it doesn't always seem like it is going to turn out right, but it does. God knows what is going to happen. He never gives you more than you can handle. I know sometimes it may seem like it is to much to handle, but in reality, you WILL pull through it. You have to be open to new things, even if they are hard. I've had friends tell me that following their dream is to hard, so they guess its not worth it. God never said that things would be east. The things that are worth it, are the ones that ARE gonna be hard to achieve. If it's easy to get, then anyone can do it.

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